School Board

The School Board plays an important role in contributing to good school governance so that school resources are used efficiently, and community expectations and the school’s priorities reflect the needs of students. The functions of councils and boards are covered by legislation and include both approval and advisory roles.

 The School Board is made up of the Principal, elected community members, teachers, parents and students. The Board meets in our Board Room twice each term, at 5.15pm on Monday, Week 3 and 7. Meetings times may change so please check our school calendar to keep abreast of any changes.

Board 2025

Mathew Della Franca

Mathew is the current Chair of the Board and a member since 2021.  His focus is working with school leadership on strong governance of the school, focussing on the planning and funding for the new STEM facility, as well as improving the facilities of the school. Mathew has lived in Lesmurdie and Pickering Brook all his life and has a business background of 25 years in Sales and Project Management in the Oil & Gas and Mining industries.

Vice Chair
Chris Wessels

Chris has served as a Board member since 2021 working closely with the school leadership to ensure a positive impact on our students’ learning environment while maintaining good governance.  Chris has called Lesmurdie/Kalamunda home for the past 10 years and currently works as a Financial Accounting Manager for an Engineering firm.


Donna Gardiner

As an Acting Public School Principal and English teacher for over 30 years, Donna has worked on Boards at Willetton SHS and Mt Lawley SHS. She has been a member of the Lesmurdie Board previously as staff representative in her substantive role as Deputy Principal.  Donna’s focus is to ensure that the Board has authentic relationships with the school and community to improve the learning environment for students and staff, and to provide approvals and communications on board matters.  This includes a focus on future building planning and works such as a much needed student support purpose built hub to support students wellbeing and a kiss n drive for student safety and efficiency, exploring new community and industry partnerships and participating in school events and celebrations that are vitally important to our culture and traditions at our school.

Manager Corporate Services (ex-officio)
Bronwyn Thornton

Bronwyn has worked for the Department of Education in a Manager, Corporate Services role for over 20 years and in Independent Public Schools since their inception. She has a background in banking and holds a Certificate IV in Business and a Graduate Certificate of Education Business Leadership. Her “Why” is to enhance possibilities to ensure our students have the best possible start to lifelong learning during and following school.

Staff Representatives

Emma Gallager

New to the role of Board member in 2023 and currently Senior School Manager, Emma has been involved with Lesmurdie Senior High School as a staff member, parent and citizen in the community since 2005. With a strong interest in building links between the school and the wider community, her position on the LSHS Board allows her  the opportunity to have a genuine impact in more areas of school operations and business.

Hayley Trueman

Hayley qualified as a HaSS teacher in the UK prior to emigrating to Australia in 2006. Since Hayley joined Lesmurdie in 2020, she has taught a range of classes and abilities, ranging from ATAR modern history to the focus Year 7 HaSS/ English class. She is  passionate about students of all abilities reaching their full potential and using a wide and varied style of teaching methods to engage students in their learning. She was the Teaching and Learning Coordinator in 2022.

Parent Representatives

Brendon Boyes

Brendon has been  community representative on the Board for 18 months prior to joining as a parent representative.  He is passionate about promoting education and recreation opportunities and environments to assist all students towards a bright future.  He is a professional engineer in the oil and gas industry and bring to the board skills in data analytics, finances, document review and communication.

Renee De Prazer

Renee is a newly appointed parent representative to the LSHS Board commencing this year. With a background in nursing, and current role as a hospital executive, Renee is keen to offer her transferrable skills in governance, leadership and management. She is passionate about hearing the voice of the vulnerable and facilitating a platform to strengthen governance, improve culture and enhance performance.

Chris Tung

Chris has been a Community Representative on the LSHS board for several years and in 2023 moved to become a Parent Representative. Chris brings a wealth of life skills and IT expertise to LSHS,  supports strong governance of the school and is driven to make a better place for students, teachers and the school community.

Community Representatives 

Adam Hort

Adam Hort, a sixth-generation Perth Hills resident and Chief Pharmacist for WA Country Health Service, brings extensive leadership experience in governance, health, and community development. A former Deputy Mayor and father of school-aged children, he is committed to fostering a thriving educational environment that supports students and families in the Lesmurdie community.

Student Representatives

Erin Collins, Sabrina Della Franca, Ayala Williams

Board Minutes

Terms of Reference

Code of Conduct

Acknowledgement of Country

I respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Beelu people. It is a privilege to be standing on Beelu country. I also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.